Studio Nazari

La Società Italiana d’Igiene fornisce delle “indicazioni pratiche” per le vaccinazioni pediatriche


May 2024

The Italian Society of Hygiene, Preventive Medicine and Public Health (SItI), through its Working Group "Vaccines and Vaccination Policies" has drawn up a document entitled "Practical information on pediatric vaccinations". The objective is to highlight how co-administration and active calling represent the two main operating modes that allow to improve vaccination coverage, as well as optimize the vaccination schedule.

The introduction of the obligation has allowed a significant increase in coverage for vaccinations to be achieved relatively quickly, while the same coverage is still far from being achieved for recommended vaccinations.

The Hygienists consider essential to adopt some urgent interventions in order to implement and optimize pediatric vaccinations, especially those recommended, which represent an essential cornerstone for the prevention of infectious diseases.
