Oknoplast e il progetto “Racconti di Case” : le case raccontate attraverso chi ci abita
Una nuova campagna di comunicazione composta da video-racconti e interviste per far parlare chi vive quotidianamente gli infissi
Una nuova campagna di comunicazione composta da video-racconti e interviste per far parlare chi vive quotidianamente gli infissi
At Cersaie 2023 Gruppo Del Conca presents the Marble Edition collection, produced with Dinamika, the innovative technology that creates three-dimensional surfaces and Yourself
Oknoplast ha sostenuto Marevivo Onlus – associazione ambientalista – per l’attività di beach clean up lungo la riviera del Conero
The Hello Oknoplast #3 international event was held on October 10, in Krakow, during which the company's new products were presented, as well as financial data for the last two years were shared and new strategies for the coming years were outlined.
Cersaie 2022: Del Conca presented the new collections and announced an important investment plan of 55 million euros
In Monopoli, Puglia, a NZEB - Nearly Zero Energy Building is built for residential use.
At the origin of the project is a natural oasis located in southern Italy, created from the regeneration of sand quarries.
Oknoplast supports Marevivo ONLUS and kicks off the project 'REPLANT' to protect and replant the forests of the sea.
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